Fitness Nutrition Forums

4 Unhealthy Sandwich Ingredients to Avoid

Fitday Editor

Believe it or not, sandwiches could be ruining your diet. Unhealthy sandwich ingredients can be as bad for you as consuming fast food products; a few unhealthy sandwich ingredients can cause you to exceed your daily fat and calorie intake in just one meal. Many people don't think about the unhealthy things they put on their sandwiches because they have been doing it their whole lives. This article discusses 4 unhealthy sandwich ingredients to avoid and some alternatives to consider.

1. Mayonnaise

You probably already know that mayonnaise is an unhealthy sandwich ingredient. You might not be aware of just how unhealthy it is. Mayonnaise contains approximately 11 grams of fat and 100 calories per serving and a serving is only one tablespoon. It is easy to spread five or six tablespoons on your sandwich without thinking. There are low-fat mayonnaise options, but low-fat mayonnaise generally contains additives to compensate for the lack of flavor. A better option is to use a healthy substitute such as olive oil and vinegar (go light on the oil). You could also try stone ground mustard or pesto as a healthy sandwich spread.

2. White Bread

Many people don't see a problem with eating white bread. After all, white bread and wheat bread are very comparable in terms of fat and calorie content. The difference is in how they are processed and how they are absorbed in your body. White bread is essentially white flour and empty calories. White bread generally does not contain any protein and affects your body in the same way as white sugar. Instead, look for whole wheat bread without dough conditioners or high fructose corn syrup.

3. American Cheese

American Cheese (often called "cheese product") is made from a blend of ingredients such as milk fat, whey, salt and protein concentrates. American cheese is sometimes called "cheese product" because it does not meet the Federal Regulations for cheese. As a general rule, if a cheese comes in a jar, a can or in an individual wrapper, it is an unhealthy sandwich ingredient. For a healthier sandwich topping, try soft cheeses, like mozzarella or feta cheese. Soft cheeses tend to be lower in fat and less processed. Mozzarella contains 6 grams of fat per 1 ounce serving compared to American Cheese which contains approximately 10 grams of fat per 1 ounce serving. Soft cheeses are also more flavorful, so you can use them sparingly.

4. Packaged Sandwich Meats

Packaged sandwich meats are the unhealthiest protein you can use on your sandwich. Packaged meats like salami or bologna are also high in sodium and saturated fat. The higher fat content is partially because processed lunch meats contain a variety of animal parts, including the "leftovers" such as pork stomach, heart and tripe. Many sandwich meats are also preserved by the addition of MSG, which has been linked to cancer and cardiac arrest. Instead of buying packaged sandwich meats, try getting a fresh cut from the deli. You could also use hummus and avocado as a meat substitute.

The next time you pack a sandwich for lunch, steer clear of the aforementioned 4 unhealthy sandwich ingredients. Instead try the substitutes listed or come up with your own healthy variations.

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