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8 Reasons (Besides the Fact That They're Delicious) You Should Eat More Eggs

You probably already know that eggs (the most common choice is the consumption of eggs produced by a chicken) are a great source of high-quality protein which helps repair tissue and keeps our muscles strong, but there are a lot of other benefits to eating eggs that you may not have realized.

They’re incredibly nutritious and provide the body with essential vitamins. Eating eggs ensure your body gets the vitamins it needs, but it’s important to eat the whole egg because the yolk is where around 90 percent of the calcium and iron is found. According to BestHealth, eggs are also a source of Vitamin A which helps eyesight, Vitamin E, which helps to fight free radicals, and B2 and B12, which aid digestion and the red blood cells, respectively.

We previously mentioned above that the Vitamin A found in eggs helps improve eyesight, but it’s even more than this because according to Health24, a diet that is filled with broccoli, spinach and eggs can lower the risk of cataracts by 20 percent. It also helps reduce the signs of age-related retinal degeneration.

Eggs are reportedly one the few foods that contain Vitamin D, which aids calcium absorption and keeps our bones healthy.

These vitamins and minerals also help to keep our brains healthy because they aid its functioning, including memory.

Another benefit of eating eggs is that they promote weight loss. According to Health24, studies have shown that starting off the day by eating eggs for breakfast can increase satiety in overweight people and therefore possibly help weight loss. And a separate study showed that if you eat eggs, you usually feel fuller for longer.

It’s not just the inside of your body that benefits from the ingestion of eggs though because according to Medical News Today, eggs contain vitamins and minerals that promote healthy skin by preventing the breakdown of tissues.

And lastly, eggs contain Choline. According to HealthLine, most people do not get enough Choline, which creates cell membranes and reportedly produces signaling molecules in our brain. A survey showed that 90 percent of Americans had less than the recommended amount of Choline in their bodies.

[Image via Shutterstock]

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