Fitness Nutrition Forums

What Foods Contain the Least Calories?

There is some discrepancy when it comes to how many calories the average male and female need per day to maintain their current body weight, but according to Heathline the average woman needs around 2,000 calories, while the average male needs 2,500. If you want to drop one pound per week, you would need to reduce your calorie intake by 500 calories per day, and if this is your goal, then it helps to know what foods are low in calories.

For those who are a bit unsure about what a calorie actually is, simply put it’s a unit that is used to measure energy, pertaining to food and beverages.

Celery: It’s great as a snack and a stalk of celery only contains about 6 calories, so eat up!

Radish: Radish is fantastic as a garnish, as well as in salads, and the best part is that an entire cup only equals 17 calories. Radishes can also help aid digestion and are filled with antioxidants and potassium.

Strawberries: If you want something a little more substantial than a celery stick, then a cup of strawberries is a great choice as a cup is only 49 calories. Not only are strawberries delicious, but they’re also packed with vitamin C.

Apple: An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but you can eat much more than one considering that a medium apple is around 70 calories. The benefits of apples include being a source of dietary fiber, plus they are filled with antioxidants and flavonoids.

Carrots: Half a cup of carrots is just 22 calories, and this vegetable is a fantastic source of fiber. It also contains Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Vitamin B, as well as Vitamin B6, and potassium.

Watermelon: It’s the perfect snack for a hot summer day, and watermelon is only 46 calories per cup. It contains lycopene, which is believed to be a super antioxidant. Plus this fruit is filled with Vitamin C, and it’s great if you need to hydrate because after all, watermelons consist of mostly water.

Eggs: Eggs are a wonderful source of protein and only between 70 and 80 calories per large egg. This is one snack that is guaranteed to keep you fill.

Tomato: One medium tomato contains just 30 calories and has Vitamin C, Vitamin K, potassium, and folate.

[Image via Shutterstock]

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